Last night I got a phone call, from Aunty Colleen. She went to the Salvation Army and found my dad!! She had lunch with him and everything. I cried last night, the first time I cried in over 6 months. I am trying to find a return plane tickit from Calgary to Abbotsford or Vancouver, so I can see him, and have lunch with him too. Just to see him will make my day!! I am told he is a big bush man with grey hair. I cant picture him like that, but oh well. I am soo excited!!
So yesterday me and Jen went and got a membership for Goodlife Fitness. If I keep working at it constantly, i will be 138 lbs by december. Things are finally looking up. I am really enjoying it here. The kids are great fun, its neet seeing how fast Lindsey is growing. She is starting to smile and coo. Kolby is starting to talk. Travis got a new Job working for telus! He really enjoys it.
I am going to make a new blog for my fitness blog!!
Take care and talk soon
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Interesting weather in Alberta I tell ya!
Well the weather has been very strange around here lately. A couple weeks ago, it was almost 30 degrees, short and t-shirt weather. Then it started to cool down a bit. We got a really weird storm, I witnessed my first mini tornado in the parking lot of where I work. It came across the field, into the parking lot, picked a van up off it's wheels, then it turned and went down the street. Really windy and stormy. Last night was the same, really windy, the power even went out for a bit. THEN!! I woke up this morning, and it's SNOWING like crazy. May 21st, we have about 3 cms of snow so far, and it doesnt look like it's gonna quit!! Back home it's probably all sunny and warm!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Father Daughter
My dad and I always had a very special Father Daughter bond. He was always away for work, but when he would come home, we would spend the whole day together just talking, eating junk food, and having a good time. My dad has always been my hero, he was always the one i went to with problems, because he would sit and talk to me about them till I felt better. I would always here how much people couldn't stand their dad's. When I heard that, I remember always thinking, wow im so lucky to have a dad like mine. He was always fun and goofy, but searious when he wanted to be. I always remember the ways he would bug me in front of boys, and wistle at me in front of them, just because he knew it made me mad. My dad has made me who I am today. Even though he isnt here with me, and hasnt been in a very long time, I still thank him every day for what he has done for me. I know he is out there somewhere thinking about me, maybe he is to scared to talk to me because of the things he has done. But that is all in the past, I wish he would know how much I want him in my life and how much I need him in my life right now and forever. One time he told me he will always be my Guardian Angel. Now I truely believe he is my guardian angel. He is always here with me. present or not, I can always feel the love he had for me. How I was always daddy's little girl. I used to fight my brother just to be able to sit by my dad. We would always take one day of the week and go shopping together, we could always get junk food!! I love my dad so much, I would do anything in the world to be with him. Daddy I love you, never forget that. It breaks my heart knowing that he isnt around anymore. No more laughs, eating junk food, going for long drives. The memories will always be there, and one day daddy will be too. Until then, I have to hold tight and keep the memories with me. Till the day my dad wants to be found! I want to be the one to see him for the first time, and hug and kiss him. I await this day every day of my life. Dad come home soon, I miss you!
Ok, so the cop called me back yesterday. He said he delt with my dad in April. He said my dad was really friendly and wouldnt hurt a thing. He also said the reason he talked to my dad was because he was sleeping on the street. Which means he is homeless. So good and bad news. We will find him sooner or later...Hopefully sooner. It makes me sick to my stomache, that I have a roof over my head, and food to eat. And my own flesh and blood is living on the streets. It's just not fair. So dont take your parents for granted. It makes me mad when i hear people say how much they hate their dad. Well you only have one, you never know what can happen!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Update on my search!
Well I have the best news in the whole intire world! My dad is in Abbotsford! I called the Abbotsford Police Deparment today, they said they had a conformation with him in April of this year. So now I have to try and get a hold of where he is living. And maybe talk to him...*Crosses Fingers* I will keep you updated as soon as I hear more! Thanks everyone for their support.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
On a mission!!
Today I am going to start my search for my dad. I dont care how long it takes me, or how much it will cost. I miss my dad so much, and I think everyone else does. But probably not as much as me! It has been over a year since we heard from him last. I think now it's time to start looking for him! My dad is my hero, sure he has his faults, but he has taught me so much in life. I want him to know where I am, I want him to meet Travis, and meet his grandaughter also. I am going to go to the cop station today and see if they can help me. Then I will go to the corrections of BC, and see if they can search him if he is in Jail. I just want to know where he is, and that he is safe. I love my dad dearly, and think about him all the time. Please with me luck, i'm sure I will need it. I will keep you guys posted, everytime I hear something!! Thanks so much. Hope everyone is well!!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Pix of the trip to Airdrie
Here are some pics of the trip here, and a really good one of me and travis we took last night.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Here in Airdrie
Well we arrived safe and sound...and a bit tired! Airdrie is wonderfull, the people are really nice. And omg so many jobs!! Travis already started work yesterday, he is at work right now too. He is enjoying it here also. I went job hunting, I have 2 jobs lined up right now. At Joey's seafood restaurant, and at The Real Canadian Liquor Store. They are going to work around my schedual. I will also be taking some upgrading courses, and hopefully be in school full time by the end of auguest. I want to take the Hospital Unit Clerk. And work in Calgary which will be nice.
The trip here was breath taking! We got to go through the Columbian Ice Fields. OMG i have never seen anything more amazing then that. I think Travis thought I was nuts, cause I got so excited, and took lots of pictures. I will post them as soon as I can. We stayed in Jasper the first night, it was a really nice hotel. We went to the lounge for dinner, which was AWESOME! We both had Pasta. Then we got cake for dessert...It was moldy! EWW So we complained and got a free piece of cheese cake! Which was awesome.
We have been exploring Airdrie, checking out new things! My phone number has changed, so if anyone wants to give me a call, i would love to here from you. My new number is...1-403-870-5943! Hope everyone is well. I will post more soon, hopefully add some pics!!
The trip here was breath taking! We got to go through the Columbian Ice Fields. OMG i have never seen anything more amazing then that. I think Travis thought I was nuts, cause I got so excited, and took lots of pictures. I will post them as soon as I can. We stayed in Jasper the first night, it was a really nice hotel. We went to the lounge for dinner, which was AWESOME! We both had Pasta. Then we got cake for dessert...It was moldy! EWW So we complained and got a free piece of cheese cake! Which was awesome.
We have been exploring Airdrie, checking out new things! My phone number has changed, so if anyone wants to give me a call, i would love to here from you. My new number is...1-403-870-5943! Hope everyone is well. I will post more soon, hopefully add some pics!!
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