The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things
about your friends that you might not have known!
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
College Road Trip
4.What is your favorite TV show?
CSI Miami, Cold Case, According to Jim...Lots more
5.What do you usually have for breakfast?
6.What is your middle name?
7.What food do you dislike?
cooked veggies, peppers, squash, don't really like eggs...depends
8.What is your favorite CD at moment?
country mix, all we haveis burnt cd's
9. What kind of car do you drive?
none! but will drive a Mazda Protage 5
10. Favorite sandwich?
Egg salad, BLT...
11.What characteristic do you despise?
Slutty girls looking for attention!
12. Favorite item of clothing?
pj pants, my robe! LOL
13.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
14.Favorite brand of clothing?
Doesnt matter what brand, im not picky
15.Where would you retire to?
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
my 22nd. I had a suprise party, last birthday I was sick
17. Favorite sport to watch?
hmm hockey
18.Farthermost place you are sending this?
Quesnel, Abbotsford
19.Person you expect to send it back first?
no one lol
20.When is your birthday?
July 2nd
21.Are you a morning person or a night person?
22.What is your shoe size?
24.Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
I graduate in 12 days...dont think it's new tho
25.What did you want to be when you were little?
Nurse! Still want to...half way there!
26.How are you today?
Tired, hungry and excited
27. What is your favorite candy?
chocolate bars
28.What is your favorite flower?
29.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
Sept. 27
30.What is your full name?
Sarah Rebeckah Russell
31.What are you listening to right now?
32.What was the last thing you ate?
Fries at the mall
33. Do you wish on stars?
ya with Travis
34. IF you were a crayon, what color would you be?
35. How is the weather right now?
sunny and blue sky
36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today?
my hunny! It's his birthday
37. Favorite soft drink?
38. Favorite restaurant?
East Side Marios
39. Real hair color?
light brown
40.What was your favorite toy as a child?
My dolls...I cant remember
41.Summer or winter?
42. Hugs or kisses?
43. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate if it's food, vanilla if it's scent
44. Coffee or tea?
45. Do you want your friends to email you back?
46. When was the last time you cried?
not long ago...
47. What is under your bed?
nothing, there's no under lol
48. What did you do last night?
sat around bored. Watched TV
49. What are you afraid of ?
Losing Travis
50. Salty or sweet?
depends on my mood, sometimes both together!
51.How many keys on your key ring?
52. How many years at your current job?
right now I don't have a job, havnt since April
53. Favorite day of the week?
54. How many towns have you lived in?
to many to count. Deroche, Quesnel, Airdrie, Kamloops
55. Do you make friends easily?
Not at all
56. How many people will you send this to?
who knows
57.How many will respond?
who knows