Sunday, November 30, 2008

I finally have the sister i never had!!

I am so excited! I am finally going to have the sister i never had! Jason and Ashley are engaged! YAY I am so excited! He called me like 10 mins after he did it! I can't believe it! Hopefully my turn will be soon! Congrats Jason, Love you lots@

Friday, November 28, 2008

2 years!

Yesterday Travis and I have been together for 2 years! I don't know where the time has gone! I guess time flies when your having fun lol. It's been a good 2 years. We have been through a lot, but we stood by each other. He was my biggest support when i was going to school, and still is. He's my rock!! Sure we had our rough times, and will in the future too. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I believe in fate. LOL think what you want. But I think we were meant to be, I just got out of a 4 year relationship, and so did he. And somehow when we weren't expecting it in the least we met! I hope these two years will turn into 20 years, 40, 60 years, and we grow old together. Travis I love you!! When we first started dating, all I heard for a long time is that he was a rebound bf, and it wasn't going to last! But i thought different. 2 years later, some rebound bf hey!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

hmm not sure what to write!

Well I haven't posted in a long time...Not sure if anyone reads my blog anyways, so i've kind of given up! I am going to go take me learner's tomorrow! Maybe...I really want to drive, and feel I am ready. Just not sure If I am ready to take the test and pass it. but we'll see i guess!

Work is going alright. I had my first palliative resident. Which was kind of hard to see. But we did it, he ended up passing away 2 days later...Kind of scary, but hey it's all part of life! Other then that nothing to exciting happening at work. The men are interesting, I love it a lot. Just need to build more confidence.

I have today off, Travis will be home at about 2:30! I finally get to see him today and tomorrow for a bit. I am not liking these afternoon shifts! Oh well. Anyways I am going to go study for a but, and clean my house!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

thought I might update!

Nothing to much happening here, I am working lots! Last night I did a double shift, 16 hrs! OMG what a long night! I am so tired today. And now I am craving coffee! So my awesome hunny is making me some! YAY. It's so nice having Travis back home! It's hard to believe our 2 yr anniversary is coming up! I know we have been through rough times, and fun times, it's all been worth it. I don't have much to right tonight, I am tired and want to watch TV. I called in sick tonight cause I am to tired. We are going to watch dancing with the stars, then go to bed!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Work is going great. I am on my second day off now, and I am excited to go back. The ward I am on is Severe dementia! They are a lot of fun, but a handful. On Friday everyone was in a weird mood. They do something called sundowning in the evening, which is where they get very agitated and aggressive. And being Halloween too it effects them. So I gathered all the residents around the table and started passing the ball around. Now we have a couple residents that are in a vegetative state, and they were even tossing the ball around. It was amazing, seeing how they still function a bit! Then after that everyone was good, and all calmed down. I just thought I would share that story, It sure makes my job worth going to. I am really enjoying it, i just have to get some good shoes. I get home and my feet swell so bad!

Travis has been gone since Tuesday. I am missing him soo much! I can't wait till he comes home! Anyways I am going down town to get some cheep leftover Halloween candy lol!! I need chocolate!