Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Happy for once!
Well I am finally happy in life...And I'm single!! Ahh I love it. I have met an awesome friend...she is like my long lost twin!! We work the same shift, and have the same days off together. So we are pretty much always together! I haven't really been single in a long time, and now i know what I was missing. I have met a few guys here and there. But im not interested at all. I am totally enjoying myself, and my freetime! I don't really talk to Travis very much anymore. He's a loser haha!! Shh I didn't say that. Just not my type of guy. Such a momma's boy. Not good to hate your mother in Law! So im glad it didn't work out! I can do much better!
I am moving to a newer bigger place at the end of this month, and im gonna have a little party with my "friends" YAY i can't wait!!
Work sucks, and I don't get paid enough for what I do. Don't get my wrong, I absolutly love my job...but not the place I work at. There is so much BS. It sucks! Anyways I'm gonna post some pictures...If anyone still reads my blog, let me know!?

I am moving to a newer bigger place at the end of this month, and im gonna have a little party with my "friends" YAY i can't wait!!
Work sucks, and I don't get paid enough for what I do. Don't get my wrong, I absolutly love my job...but not the place I work at. There is so much BS. It sucks! Anyways I'm gonna post some pictures...If anyone still reads my blog, let me know!?
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Today my heart is really set on going home where I belong! I don't have anyone in Kamloops anymore. Travis doesnt talk to me, I feel free! and I can do what ever I want. And right now my heart is really telling me to move home to Mission! I have all my friends and family there. It's home to me! And always will be. I have a few things to look into, then I will make my decision. I need someone to teach me how to drive for one thing. I'm sure I will find someone, and I need a full time job so I can support myself! Ahh I can't wait. Right now I feel this is the best thing I can do! Wish me luck!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
it's been a while.
Well It's been a while since I wrote here. Cause everyone that reads my blog I talk to. Summer has been going pretty good. I went camping in Quesne for 10 days with my family, and got to see my mom. I got a ton of pics that I will put up. The weather was great, and I got burned like crazy, but a nice tan afterwards. My cousins got me drunk the first night...I don't drink much so it was fun, and I knew when to stop.
The weather in Kamloops has been scorching! 30 degrees all the time. Even when it rains it's hot. But it's worth it. I love it here! Tomorrow I get to go to Salmon Arm with my family! I can't wait. It's gonna be nice weather for it! Then back to work on Friday for 4 days, then 6 days next week.
I FINALLY got my Learners today! Now i can start driving!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY by next summer I will have my own car and drive anywhere I want! WOO HOO I can't wait!
Friday, June 12, 2009
my new bud!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Well I haven't blogged in a while, Just kind of lost interest I guess. I doubt many people read it anyway. Things have been pretty good around here. I am settled into my new place! It sucks waking up with no one beside you, I think thats the hardest part. Coming home to an empty house! But we are doing OKAY! I see Travis a lot, we spend our days off together pretty much. My neighbor is amazing! She bakes and cooks for me! The other night she made mini pies, and meat pies! I got some of thoes. I have a lot in my freezer too, but their not mine! She borrowed my freezer because she didn't have anymore room in hers lol.
I have somehow been losing a lot of weight. I am not going by what I actually weigh, because that vary's throughout the day, so I don't know what to go by...I know right after you get up in the morning, and after you pee...I have been fitting into all my old clothes. I feel a lot better too.
Work has been going okay. One resident scares the shit out of me! And he knows it, he follows me around with a blank stare, ready to snap. My last 4 shifts he has attacked someone! One day it will be one of the RCA's, and we WILL get hurt! He is a huge man. He is scary when he's mad...but such a nice guy tho. I feel bad, because he was never like this in his normal life. I would never want dementia, it turns you into something u never were, it's pretty sad.
I got to see Jason and Ashley and the kids a couple weeks ago! They are sure getting big! I talked to my mom a few times after what happened. I still can't believe she did that, and ya...Im still pissed! I just don't understand how someone could do that, Especiall a mother! Oh well
anyways im gonna go get ready and go for a walk, It's about 25 outside right now!!
I have somehow been losing a lot of weight. I am not going by what I actually weigh, because that vary's throughout the day, so I don't know what to go by...I know right after you get up in the morning, and after you pee...I have been fitting into all my old clothes. I feel a lot better too.
Work has been going okay. One resident scares the shit out of me! And he knows it, he follows me around with a blank stare, ready to snap. My last 4 shifts he has attacked someone! One day it will be one of the RCA's, and we WILL get hurt! He is a huge man. He is scary when he's mad...but such a nice guy tho. I feel bad, because he was never like this in his normal life. I would never want dementia, it turns you into something u never were, it's pretty sad.
I got to see Jason and Ashley and the kids a couple weeks ago! They are sure getting big! I talked to my mom a few times after what happened. I still can't believe she did that, and ya...Im still pissed! I just don't understand how someone could do that, Especiall a mother! Oh well
anyways im gonna go get ready and go for a walk, It's about 25 outside right now!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Well it took a long time to build my moms trust back, after what she has done. So many little things. I trusted her, and I trusted Ross. I trusted they have changed, and would not screw me over. But i was wrong:( Yesterday my mom told me that she has had my name in her hydro since October. She used all my information to set up an account. I can't trust her, I don't even want to talk to her. I am done with getting hurt! So there is an outstanding balance on the account, that i have to pay if she doesn't, and if she doesn't pay it, it will screw my credit up. I just wish I had a normal mom that would take care of me! Especially during a hard time like now. But sometimes it seems i wish for to much:(
Monday, April 13, 2009
this is it
Well this is it. I am moving out at the end of the month, and me and Travis are no more! I don't know what to do or think right now though. I am heartbroken and lost. But I AM STRONG and can get through this again, and again and again. Well it seems like it anyway. I found a 1 bedroom apartment on the north shore, and it's close to everything. Cross the street and you have extra food, shoppers, the gym, McDonald's and a bunch more stuff. Once I move out things will get better! I hope anyways. I have been working a lot, and that seems to keep my mind off things. But lately its been a gong show. They fired one of my co workers and keep forgetting to schedule someone to work for her. So yesterday no one came in, and i ended up doing pretty much all 13 residents myself. I am tired but today is my Friday!!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
The end
Well I guess i should let the world know...Travis and I broke up...well are breaking up. Either him or I will move out at the end of April. This is one of the hardest things ever. The worse pain ever is a broken heart! I have nothing else to write. Maybe a miracle will happen and things will work out. I doubt it though. One day I will meet my prince charming, who loves me for me! I will update more in a bit!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Some stuff...clean house!
Well Travis' mom was here for 5 days...FUN! She cleaned our house from top to bottom, did all our laundry, and made us a huge turkey dinner...We have enough turkey to have a whole big dinner again. It's so nice tho, our house is spotless!! I love it, and have been keeping up with it. Travis and I have had a rough patch in our relationship. Had a scary day the other day...Everything turned out ok though. For whoever reads my blog, i posted a couple links on the right side of babies that need our prayers...or thoughts. Little Harper was born with pneumonia. She was in the hospital for 20 days. She's so cute! Then Braydon was born with fluid on his lungs I think...He is home and doing better also. And baby Jonah was born with a rare skin condition. So if u want, take a look and pass them on. Hope everyone is doing ok!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Thank you!

Today I was having a bad day, cleaning up the house and everything. I am really frustrated, I have taken my L twice now and failed both times. I want to be able to drive, I hate leaning on other people. Travis knows how frustrated I am with it. I was almost in tears today cause i was so frustrated. Till Travis hugged me, and thanked me...I asked him why he thanked me...He said for being you!! Then I almost cried! Finally someone will stick by my side, and love me for who I am. Sure sometimes he's a dork, but a fun dork! And I love him. Just those little words made my day so much better. Travis I love you, and thank you for putting up with me!!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
few things

Well we went to Vancouver to the Brad Paisley concert! It was so much fun! We went to Moxies for dinner, (Never spent that much on food before!) But it was good. Concert was awesome! Chrystal Shawanda was alright, but Dirks Bentley and Brad Paisley were amazing. Good stage performance. I got some nice pics! We got some t-shirts! So the next day we got to go to Science world. That was fun. The weather was shit, rained the whole time, but that's Vancouver for you. BUT...on the way out to mission we got stuck in a bad snow storm. It usually takes an hr at the most to get from Vancouver to get to Mission. It took us 4.5 hours!! I was so frustrated. AND...they closed the Coquhella so we decided to stay in Deroche...I got to spend some time with my aunt and her kids. And FINALLY got to see Danielle after a year and a half! And had a nice visit with grandma. We took it easy on the way home, it only took us 3.5 hrs to get home...shorter then Vancouver to Mission!! So here are some pics of the trip!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
YAY the weekend is here, and my 6 days is over! That was a long week. All my residents at work are all sick:( I got the stupid cold too. so 3 more days and we are going to Vancouver for the Paisley Concert! I can't wait. We are leaving on Tuesday morning, and coming back Wednesday night! I want to go to IHOP, and out for seafood. Travis wants to go to science world, and we both want to go to the aquarium! I know they are for kids, but hey, we can be kids for a day! I can't wait. I will post pictures when we get back. I just hope we don't forget the camera!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Scary night at work...Is it worth it?
So the other night we had a very very scary night at work. One of our residents became very Agitated. And started talking to himself, and getting mad. Well one point in the night he was climbing on top of the chair to climb the china cabinet, and we couldn't do anything to get him down. I noticed he was progressing all night, even after the maximum dosage of meds to calm him down. So at about 10:30 I was in with another resident, and I heard the nurse scream so loud for me. I came running down the hall, only to see that agitated resident blocking her in the kitchen, trying to get her. she was pinned between the door and the dishwasher, and she was holding with all her might to get him out. So I tried to distract him, the other care aide jumped over the servery, and into the kitchen to see if she could get the door closed on him. We tried everything to get him out. The resident was looking at me, and saying he was not moving for anyone. So the nurse grabbed the phone and called the cops! We finally distracted him with something, and managed to shut the door, he then tries to attack the other care aide, so we all made a dash to the back office. The cops arrived and took 2 of them to hold him down so we could give him an injection...He has been sleeping ever since...
Now I sit here and wonder is it worth going to work?? Ahh it was scary
Now I sit here and wonder is it worth going to work?? Ahh it was scary
Monday, February 09, 2009
Big confidence booster!
So there has been some shit going on at work between a co worker and myself. I finally went to management about it. I know sometimes it's not the best idea. But I am sick of it. Last week she told me I had bad Hygiene and was going to make everyone sick. So I got a call from the CEO/DOC today, saying I have nothing to worry about because they know the work I do, and say I am doing awesome!! So that was a big confidence booster. I have been there for 3 months now and I have trained 2 people. The other care aide has been there for the same time, and she hasn't trained anyone yet! So I work with her this week...We'll see what happens!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Saturday, February 07, 2009
New thing!
I bought myself a Nintendo DS just after Christmas. I have bought a lot of games for it. But today I got one called my weight loss coach! It comes with a pedometer, and you have to record it every day. And everyday you will have food challenges, and physical challenges. Its funny, I have no motivation for working out or eating right. But who know a simple game will help! So I recommend this game to anyone who is having problems getting motivated. Today my challenge was to take 500 steps, and record it. Put the salt in the cupboard for 24 hrs (This won't be hard cause I don't like Salt) And the other one is to cook a variety of Pasta that I never use...I always eat pasta. So I don't know what to create with it. But it's awesome. I would love to see how many steps I take at work, cause that's all I do is walk. Maybe I will post it on monday, to let you all know! And to motivate myself!
Friday, February 06, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
ugh! I thought winter was almost over!
Well It is a beautiful sunny day outside...but NOT warm. It is -30 with the windchill! To cold for me. I can't wait till winter is over, and there is no more cold...or snow on the ground. I want to be able to go out in flip flops and tank tops! Couple more months maybe?? I hope so!
So from my last post...I decided to stick with Ridgeview, I know the residents, my 3 months will be up tomorrow!! WOO Hoo! I'm sure I could go casual somewhere, but I think that would be a lot for me right now. So I will wait till something good comes up and see what happens from that!
So from my last post...I decided to stick with Ridgeview, I know the residents, my 3 months will be up tomorrow!! WOO Hoo! I'm sure I could go casual somewhere, but I think that would be a lot for me right now. So I will wait till something good comes up and see what happens from that!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
So I have had 2 interview offers, for an assisted living facility for a care aide, and another one for long term care/Assisted living. I am stumped on what to do. Because I like my job now, It is challenging, and hard to get back and fourth...But my 3 months are almost up, and my benefits kick in soon. But I love my residents, and I don't want to leave them. AHH Should I go to the interviews and see what they offer? Or say forget it, and stick with Ridgeview?? PLEASE someone help LOL I am stuck!!
Friday, January 09, 2009
Ahh back to work for 5 days
Today is friday...My monday. I have to go back to work, wondering how crazy it was around there in the last 2 days! Next week i get 3 days off! YAY 2 days is good, but I like the 3 days! I never have anything exciting to write on here anymore lol. I am getting sick of our small apartment. I am trying to talk Travis into renting a 2-3 bdrm townhouse. That would be soo nice! Rent here is so expensive though, a townhouse would probably be like 12-1300 a month, with nothing included. Derek, Trav's brother might come back in the spring and buy one, and rent it to us cheep. I am just sick of clutter and a small kitchen, I love to cook when I'm home! But it's frustrating, cause our kitchen is soo small. I HATE IT lol. Maybe next year we can buy a house?? That would be awesome!
Well it's the time for people to have babies. I know about 5 people having babies now, and one just had one! Congrats Andrea, her baby Suvanna was born on Jan 2nd, weighing 10lbs 14oz!!! HUGE kid lol. And Shannon is due Aug 28th! One day I will get my turn:( I can't wait. I want a baby, but Travis doesn't, so I have to wait...and wait...and wait lol ONE day I will! Anyways enough baby talk, gotta go make some lunch!
Well it's the time for people to have babies. I know about 5 people having babies now, and one just had one! Congrats Andrea, her baby Suvanna was born on Jan 2nd, weighing 10lbs 14oz!!! HUGE kid lol. And Shannon is due Aug 28th! One day I will get my turn:( I can't wait. I want a baby, but Travis doesn't, so I have to wait...and wait...and wait lol ONE day I will! Anyways enough baby talk, gotta go make some lunch!
Monday, January 05, 2009
So Travis got home from work today, not feeling good, so he laid down and had a sleep. He was in the bathroom like 5 times! So we are thinking it's food poisoning, he went back to sleep and woke up really quick. He had to throw up! It was projectile vomit! I felt soo bad for him. He is one sick boy tonight. Been throwing up all night, but seems to be getting better now. I am making some tea for him, we'll see if he can keep it down! Poor baby:(
Sunday, January 04, 2009
yay! everyone having babies!
I just want to say congrats to my good friend back home. Her and her finance just found out they were pregnant! She totally deserves it! She has been through a lot, and finally she is happy! She is due in July! Congrats guys, love ya lots!!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Well 2008 is over! I have to say, it was by far one of the best years of my life! I am happy, sucessful, and full of love! Sure there were ups and downs. But it was great. I have never felt so happy in my life. I finally have the confidance i've never had. And I don't care what i look like, or what anyone else thinks. Travis I love you, and thanks for sharing 2008 with me!!! And everyone else too, and happy 2009 to everyone!
New Years Resolutions.
Lets see if they come true! lol
New Years Resolutions.
Lets see if they come true! lol
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