Well I am finally happy in life...And I'm single!! Ahh I love it. I have met an awesome friend...she is like my long lost twin!! We work the same shift, and have the same days off together. So we are pretty much always together! I haven't really been single in a long time, and now i know what I was missing. I have met a few guys here and there. But im not interested at all. I am totally enjoying myself, and my freetime! I don't really talk to Travis very much anymore. He's a loser haha!! Shh I didn't say that. Just not my type of guy. Such a momma's boy. Not good to hate your mother in Law! So im glad it didn't work out! I can do much better!
I am moving to a newer bigger place at the end of this month, and im gonna have a little party with my "friends" YAY i can't wait!!
Work sucks, and I don't get paid enough for what I do. Don't get my wrong, I absolutly love my job...but not the place I work at. There is so much BS. It sucks! Anyways I'm gonna post some pictures...If anyone still reads my blog, let me know!?