Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Im not sure what happened there, hmm, this was supposed to be with the school post also. Oh well
Well enough about school. Jeremy and I have been great. We are loving our new house. My brother told me tonight he crushed his thumb at work, and might not go back for a while, so him and his girlfriend ashley will come up for a bit. Ashley is 28 weeks pregnant. I havnt seen her the whole pregnancy. I want to see her so bad. They found out they are pretty sure their having a girl. Me and Jeremy will have 2 nephews and 1 neice. Her name is going to be Mercede Lynn, she is due dec 11 2006. I am so excited!! Last nite Jeremy fell asleep when he was supposed to be getting ready for work, and I didnt realize it. But I notice he is sleeping now, and it's 10:39 I have to go and wake him up on time. Hope everyone is well :) Take Care!!

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