Friday, December 15, 2006


Well a cupple months ago, my life turned upside down! I didnt know what I was going to do. I was so scared of being alone, and scared of big changes. Now, almost 2 months later, Im not so scared anymore. I know I have written so many blogs about Jeremy and I breaking up, but I didnt know what else to do! But thinking about back then, and looking at me now. Things have changed for the better. I have made more friends, and I actually found someone, who I have feelings for. I know it seems really soon, after being with someone for 4 years, but it feels ok. And I know Jeremy has another girlfriend too. I am happy to see him happy. I just got a new job, and I am hopefully going to move out on my own soon, sometimes roomates can be a pain in the but. But it is amazing how fast your life can change, in a matter of one night. ONE NIGHT! My life changed. I took a new path into leading it. And it was a good path. Maybe it was all planned out, let Jeremy and I have our time together, share each other. But maybe we wernt meant for each other. I enjoyed every single minute I had with him, he was an amazing boyfriend, and friend. And still is an amazing friend. If I need someone to talk to, I can just call him and talk to him about it. And he gave me such an amazing family too. Who will always be a part of me no matter wat happens in my life! I feel so happy right now, content with life. And I know in time, my life will get even better. New things will happen, and it will be worth it. I hope everyone is well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told ya it would be ok!! Stay cool dude! Things will get even better eventually, just be patient!

Remember the xmas you came to my place in dead roach before going to your aunt & uncles? I just found the pic I took of you that day with my polaroid!!! We used to have a blast!

Merry christmas!