Friday, December 08, 2006

Nothing to exciting

Well i havnt posted in a while, so I thought i would post something today! Nothing to exciting happening here in Qtown. We have lots of snow. We got a big dump, maybe a foot in 2 days. Its pretty nice. But now it all melting because it is warming up. So it is leaving a big mess. Work has been crappy. I have a whole 2 shifts in 2 weeks. Im going to drop off some resumes on monday, and hopefully find a full time job, so i can live on my own. My roomate works with me, and she is getting the same hours as I am, so it sucks. Hopefully I can find a new job. Well I am going to be an aunty VERY soon! I am so excited to meet my little Neice. Mercede, I talked to my brother the other day, they have everything ready for her. Now their just waiting for her to make her arrival! My brother is extremely excited, I think Ashley is too, just to get the pregnancy over with! Mercede is already 7 lbs 2 oz. So she will be a bit bigger when she is born. To bad they live so far away, Or aunty Sarah would spoil her to death! I CANT WAIT!!! I finally got all my stuff from Jeremys place. I didnt realize how much stuff I had, My room is packed! I got my TV and my DVD player in there, its so nice! Christmas is coming...not sure what to think of it this year! Hopefully It will be a good one. I have to get my christmas shopping done soon, if I can afford it! Well thats enough for now! Hope everyone is doing good. No one ever comments on my blog anymore, so if you check it out leave a comment!! Talk soon!


starla said...

hi sarah! I sure hope you find a new job...those are terrible hours! are you spending christmas with your mom and russ? Hope its good! and congrats on soon being an aunty!

Anonymous said...

hey Sarah. hope you get a new job soon. congratulations on being an auntie soon.

see you soon,
Auntie Delores

Jen said...

Ya know with all these invites to come visit, I'm feeling a bit left out. You are always welcome to come visit us here in AB. The boys, Keith and I would love to have you. You could run the dayhome for me!!!!!

Take care of yourself first, always remember that!