Well I haven't written a blog in a while, so I thought i would update. Things are going pretty good here, Travis and I are really good, he is amazing! His eyes are finally healed, thank goodness! Work is going good. I am getting lots of hours. I got a job at CPP, Cariboo Pulp and Paper, for shut down, spark and Tank watch. Making 24.50 an hour! That will be so nice. We are going to save some money and move. Hopefully to Alberta! I got a new phone, it's a Nokia 5300 it has a 1.3 mega pixel camera, and it holds over 1500 songs. I am going to post some pics of me and Trav that I took!!
Movin' to Alberta huh? Hey, I know some people there!! I bet they'd love to see you!
I'm glad everything is going well for you guys!
Let me know when the plans for moving are finalized!
Hope you had a good easter!
If people are going to be rude and write "EW" they shouldn't be such pussies and write their name. What a coward hiding behind their computer screen.
I'm sure Sarah would appreciate positive comments only. So unless you have something nice to say, I would suggest shutting your yap trap.
Have a good week Sarah!
Hi Sarah! Love the pics! I'm glad Travis is feeling better!
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