Well tonight is the last night of 2007. It was definitely different year. New Relationships, lots of new babies! And I realized I could do it on my own!! It was definitely a rough end of 2006. But I moved on, Learned how to be on my own again. I did happen to meet the Travis! That was a good thing! Then we moved on, moved away...Were extremely excited to get out of Quesnel, But unfortintly it did not work, so we decided to move to Kamloops. And Love it. I have been able to find a good job, see a long lost cousin!! And meet new people. My New Years resolution for 2008 is get my license...or at least my L. and Lose 65 lbs, so we can go to Hawaii next winter.
Christmas was awesome. We both worked Christmas Day...Very slow. I got an IPOD from Travis...Still cant figure out how to upload songs, Anyone have any suggestions? Then on the 27th We went up to Quesnel. And had Christmas there. I got a 17 piece pot and pan set! we got a deep freeze, like 4 sweaters, 2 pairs of PJs, and lots more. We got spoiled. I have never seen so much snow in my whole life, Quesnel probably has about 2.5 feet of snow! I finally got some good pics of my mom and I, and Trav and my mom! I will post some. I also have a couple pics of Mercede that I will scan and post! But for now i have to go and get ready for work!
Hey Sarah. Great photos of your mom and you guys..
The best person I can think of to help you with your ipod may be colleen.
I'm glad you got spoiled for Christmas. You deserve it.
Hey sarah, matt got one for christmas. What do you need to know. It can be difficult to figure out. I will do the best i can to explain it over the computer.
you can download Itunes and its mainly just drag and drop from there in th program. once you download ithe program it walks you through it or there is help on the website www.Itunes.com
i suggest registering your ipod so you can recive updates and in case of anything happening to it
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