Monday, December 29, 2008
Lady Dies at care home in Kamloops:(
I Read in the paper, and heard it around work. But didn't really want to believe it. Where I did most of my practicum, a lady escaped the center, went outside and froze to death...Only because the door was not locked. This lady that died was a resident of mine when I was there. It breaks my heart to think that because of one person not locking a door, another innocent person is dead. It really scares me. About how easy it can happen, and how quick some of the old people with dementia really are. My heart goes out to the family.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The weather is still freezing, I am getting sick of the cold...Last night our furnace died. It was soo cold in here. So we finally called the landlord, he brought over a portable heater, and we have the oven on. But it is still cold. The furnace guys should be here soon to fix it! I can't wait cause im freezing!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
3 days off!
Today was my first of 3 days off. We had a great day. Travis goes back to work tomorrow, after having 9 days off. So today we went to Lordco (BLAH MAN'S STORE LOL) Then we went to the dollar store, and bought some stocking stuffers and chocolate covered cherries...We die for those. Then we went to Starbucks for a coffee and a snack. I had an eggnog latte, and Travis had a caramel Apple Cider, which tasted like Apple Pie! SO good. We went to Marks Work World, and Travis bought me a dickies Jacket! It's so nice. Not that warm...But I love it! I love spending a couple days a week together, with no work or anything. So now we are home and going to clean the house, and put up the tree! Finally, Hopefully it will feel more like Christmas around here!
Friday, December 12, 2008
All about Travis!

I found this on someone's blog, thought it was neat
1.He's sitting in front of the television,what is on the screen? Home Improvement, CMT Music...Seinfeld
2.You're out to eat what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch...ALWAYS
3.What's one food he doesn't like? Hmm this is a hard one...He's really not picky...At all. Liver I guess
4.You go out to a bar what does he order? Corona of course
5. Where did he go to high school? Quesnel BC
6.What shoe size does he wear? Size 9...He's tiny!
7.If he was to collect anything what would it be? CD's...He has tons, but only listens to a few
8.What is his favourite type of sandwich? Steak and Cheese
9.What would he eat every day if he could? Pasta
10.What is his favourite cereal? Oat crunch?
11.What would he never wear? Sweat Pants...My clothes lol
12.What is his favourite sports team?Vancouver Canucks.
13.Who did he vote for? No one
14.Who is his best friend? Me! and Probably Kyle
15.What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? He never complains to me about anything...But I would say spending money and the housework!
16.How many provinces/states has he lived in? Two
17.What is his heritage? Dutch
18.You bake him a cake for his birthday what would it be? Guinness came his mom makes
19.Did he play sports in high school? Basketball, Volly Ball
20.What could he spend hours doing? Singing
21.What's something cool about him? He has patients for me! I am a messy housekeeper, and he helps me with it. He will do anything for me, and not complain about it. We can laugh till we cry, and tell each other our secrets, Whats not cool about him??
Monday, December 08, 2008
had a fun day!
Today we were supposed to go to Quesnel for a couple days, but the roads were really bad, and we didn't want to risk driving, and the other peoples driving. So Trav and I spent the day window shopping at costco, and tried all the taste tests. I think we were in there for about 2 hrs just looking around. We left with 4 jugs of orange juice lol. We were looking at rings...JUST LOOKING! LOL and I seen one that was 17000.00 I was amazed! That's more then our car! I couldn't believe it. Then we went grocery shopping! That took a long time, we are both tired now lol. Travis fell asleep on the couch and I am watching TV. I bought tickets for the Corb Lund band!!! and I got floor seats! If you don't know who Corb Lund is, he sings Truck got Stuck, Hurten Albertan...Calverey. He has a different kind of music! I can't wait though. Then I go back to work on wednesday.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I finally have the sister i never had!!
I am so excited! I am finally going to have the sister i never had! Jason and Ashley are engaged! YAY I am so excited! He called me like 10 mins after he did it! I can't believe it! Hopefully my turn will be soon! Congrats Jason, Love you lots@
Friday, November 28, 2008
2 years!
Yesterday Travis and I have been together for 2 years! I don't know where the time has gone! I guess time flies when your having fun lol. It's been a good 2 years. We have been through a lot, but we stood by each other. He was my biggest support when i was going to school, and still is. He's my rock!! Sure we had our rough times, and will in the future too. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I believe in fate. LOL think what you want. But I think we were meant to be, I just got out of a 4 year relationship, and so did he. And somehow when we weren't expecting it in the least we met! I hope these two years will turn into 20 years, 40, 60 years, and we grow old together. Travis I love you!! When we first started dating, all I heard for a long time is that he was a rebound bf, and it wasn't going to last! But i thought different. 2 years later, some rebound bf hey!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
hmm not sure what to write!
Well I haven't posted in a long time...Not sure if anyone reads my blog anyways, so i've kind of given up! I am going to go take me learner's tomorrow! Maybe...I really want to drive, and feel I am ready. Just not sure If I am ready to take the test and pass it. but we'll see i guess!
Work is going alright. I had my first palliative resident. Which was kind of hard to see. But we did it, he ended up passing away 2 days later...Kind of scary, but hey it's all part of life! Other then that nothing to exciting happening at work. The men are interesting, I love it a lot. Just need to build more confidence.
I have today off, Travis will be home at about 2:30! I finally get to see him today and tomorrow for a bit. I am not liking these afternoon shifts! Oh well. Anyways I am going to go study for a but, and clean my house!
Work is going alright. I had my first palliative resident. Which was kind of hard to see. But we did it, he ended up passing away 2 days later...Kind of scary, but hey it's all part of life! Other then that nothing to exciting happening at work. The men are interesting, I love it a lot. Just need to build more confidence.
I have today off, Travis will be home at about 2:30! I finally get to see him today and tomorrow for a bit. I am not liking these afternoon shifts! Oh well. Anyways I am going to go study for a but, and clean my house!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
thought I might update!
Nothing to much happening here, I am working lots! Last night I did a double shift, 16 hrs! OMG what a long night! I am so tired today. And now I am craving coffee! So my awesome hunny is making me some! YAY. It's so nice having Travis back home! It's hard to believe our 2 yr anniversary is coming up! I know we have been through rough times, and fun times, it's all been worth it. I don't have much to right tonight, I am tired and want to watch TV. I called in sick tonight cause I am to tired. We are going to watch dancing with the stars, then go to bed!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Work is going great. I am on my second day off now, and I am excited to go back. The ward I am on is Severe dementia! They are a lot of fun, but a handful. On Friday everyone was in a weird mood. They do something called sundowning in the evening, which is where they get very agitated and aggressive. And being Halloween too it effects them. So I gathered all the residents around the table and started passing the ball around. Now we have a couple residents that are in a vegetative state, and they were even tossing the ball around. It was amazing, seeing how they still function a bit! Then after that everyone was good, and all calmed down. I just thought I would share that story, It sure makes my job worth going to. I am really enjoying it, i just have to get some good shoes. I get home and my feet swell so bad!
Travis has been gone since Tuesday. I am missing him soo much! I can't wait till he comes home! Anyways I am going down town to get some cheep leftover Halloween candy lol!! I need chocolate!
Monday, October 27, 2008
So I got a call today from Hamlets saying they will offer me a casual position...I took it! But I just got a call from Ridgeview, and they offered me NIGHTS!!!! full time! WOO HOO I can't wait!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I have an interview at 10:00 this morning at the Hamlets, and one tomorrow too! I did not get any sleep last night, or the night before. I am freaking out! But I am feeling confident about this! YAY wish me luck, and i will wish for sleep tonight! I doubt I will get any sleep tho! Anyways gotta go get ready! Chow for now
Monday, October 20, 2008
Concert was awesome
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I hate this date with a passion, October 19
It's been 2 yrs and I still hate this date, I hate hearing it. To this day it still gives me chills and tears to my eyes. On this day 2 years ago, I have never felt to hurt and alone. Someone riped my heart out and stomped on it a million times, left me in the middle of no where. With no one else around. I felt like dying. It was by far the worst day of my life. I don't miss the fact that we broke up, it's not about that. It's about how I felt, how alone and scared I was. I want to make this a good day. Even though it was such a horrible week after the 19th, and I thought my life was over. It was just beginning. And I couldn't have asked for anything better. I have grown in so many ways in 2 yrs. I'm not that stupid girl that was to dependent on others. I am going to make this day a good day. Dinner with the grandparents (Travis') and then the Wilkinson's concert! WOOO HOOO. Travis I love you more then anything!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
no luck yet
Well i have had NO luck with a job, not even a phone call. Oh well it will come. I am starting to keep myself busy. Baking and cooking lots! Yesterday I made chocolate fudge! OMG it's so good, but so strong and sweet. Travis has 3 days off. So we are busy cleaning the house and stuff. I want to bake. I want fresh bread. I have never made it, but I will attempt to make it. I also want to make cinnamon buns, and pizza dough. LOL can u tell i'm bored? Tonight we are going to have hamburgers and salad! I can't wait. Haven't had homemade burgers in a long time. We are going to go see a movie tonight, then go to Karaoke for a bit. Sunday we are going to a concert. The Wilkinsons I can't wait! It's gonna be fun, we might even be able to meet the band! Free tickets from a friend of ours! YAY. Anyways we are off for more job hunting, wish me luck!!
Leave some comments!!!!!!
Leave some comments!!!!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
When will i get over the fact??
I don't think I will ever get over the fact my dad is not around anymore. I miss him so much all the time. Most days i don't think about him, because I get so emotional. My dad was a huge part in my life, and I will never get over that he is gone, and we don't know where he is. Last night i actually cried over it. I try so hard not to, but some days I wish so bad that he was here in my life. It's so hard to say and think this...But i don't even know what he sounds like any more:( It has almost been a year and a half since I seen him. Christmas is coming, it will be our 7th Christmas not together. I was 17 when I got to spend the last Christmas with him, and we moved a short month later. So tomorrow is thanksgiving, I have to say I am thank full for how he was a great father, and all the memories I have of him. When I miss him I can sit down and remember the times when we were small, and then I touch my left shoulder, knowing he is with me, looking over me. Daddy's little girl always! I would do anything to hear his voice, and give him a big hug and kiss, and hold his hand. Tell him stories that he has missed in the passed years. Let him know about his grand daughter and grandson! I think he would be the best grandpa ever. When I went to see him the last time, he carried a baby picture of Mercede in his wallet, he looked pretty proud! When I do see him again one day, one year I will tell him to never leave, cause I can't do this anymore! Dad I love you more than anything in the world. Thanks for the memories and the kisses. Happy Thanksgiving where ever you are!! I love you!!!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Can't trust anyone
You know how you think u can trust family members? Or parents even! Today I called to change my income tax address so it can go to my house, not my moms. So all that was done and good. I also asked the lady if i could get my income tax return sent to my address too. I have not received my income tax return for 2006 and 2004 i think, and they sent them to my moms house. One was almost 400.00 and another was almost 200.00 I asked my mom many times to send them back to me, and she said she did, so I waited and waited. She made excuses blah blah blah. Well the lady said today that all the checks have been cashed, including 2 of my other GST checks! So my mother and her dumb ass bf probably forged my signature and cashed my checks!! I am setting up an investigation, and if it is her, I might sue her, and she will be charged for fraud. Almost 1000.00 worth, I hate doing it, but I feel I have to!
Friday, October 03, 2008
BLAH no luck yet!
Well I have been graduated for a week now, and have not gotten one call. I went out Monday and Tuesday and Thursday. But I think some of the managers are away. So my fingers are crossed for some calls next week. I'm sure they will come. I think our instructor mis led us on how many jobs are actually out there. I don't know whats going to happen to all the other grads coming out soon. TCC has another RCA class starting on Oct. monday! They will be graduated in march! Hopefully there will be new jobs, or even another facility, cause there are 4 schools of RCA's. Kind of stupid if you ask me! Oh well. I am stressed to the max, I have NO money. I haven't been this stressed in a long time. But it will work out, even if i have to find a different Job. I told Travis tonight I should apply to Convergys till i find something full time! HAHA that will never happen! anyways I gotta go, bored of writing! Who ever checks my blog from Kelowna, Who are you!? Leave me a comment! I want to know who reads my blogs! Thanks!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
well I am officially an RCA!!
Last night was my graduation! It was awesome. I had so much family there! I was blessed with many gifts, which i was surprised! I got 2 dozen yellow roses from Travis' grandma, and a vase that has my name and Grad 2008 on it. I got a Necklace from Travis and some nice Hawaiian Ginger body spay, lotion and wash! I got a watch that goes on my scrub shirt, that has my name on it and grad 2008 from Travis' parents. A huge picture calloge from my moms family, Grandma and aunty trena and the girls! And a bunch more stuff! Travis' dad got up and said a speech! He made me cry. My mom even got up and said something! I was just so blessed to have all my family there. Mom is still here...snoring on the couch! We are all going to go for breakfast soon, then Travis' parents and mom are going to go back home. Travis called in sick today, so I can spend a day with him!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Well tomorrow is my last day of Practicum!! I can't believe it! 3 more days till grad! WOW, 6 months went by fast! Feels like yesterday I met everyone from class! I can't believe in 3 days I will be done!!! The last days of practicum are a little nerve racking though. I have been on this floor for 4 shifts now, and I am expected to get everyone up on my own tomorrow, with no help from the care aide! I was so frustrated at work today, I started crying. My instructor came in and talked with my care aide, and she told her I needed to be faster, and I wasn't doing good, so they wanted to hold me back for another couple days! BULL SHIT. Before I was moved I was getting everyone up and ready for breakfast by 9:00 AM..My old care aide is the best! I am really going to miss her! ANYWAYS...I have a lot of people coming to grad. Trav's parents are coming, my mom, both grandma's aunty Trena and the girls, and Katherine, Aunty Colleen and her girls, and then aunty Gail after she is done work! We are all going to go for Chinese food!! Well I gotta go clean up from dinner! I will post pics after grad!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Thank you!
Well today is Sept. 18th I graduate on the 27th! I can't believe it's coming to an end! I can't wait for grad. I have a lot of family coming! Grandma Russell is coming, then my aunty Trena and Grandma Armstrong and the 4 girls, my mom and Ross maybe, and then Travis' parents! I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in the last 6 months! It's been great! I am ready to get out and work as a Care Aid tho!
Travis' birthday was on Monday. We went to Tony Roma's. We got all dressed up and everything! I got some cool pictures that I will add when I get them on the computer. We had a great night! I got him a promise ring for his birthday, so he is stuck with me forever! (Hopefully)Our relationship has grown so much in the last 2 yrs, i can't imagine being without him! He is my other half! Anyways gotta go
Travis' birthday was on Monday. We went to Tony Roma's. We got all dressed up and everything! I got some cool pictures that I will add when I get them on the computer. We had a great night! I got him a promise ring for his birthday, so he is stuck with me forever! (Hopefully)Our relationship has grown so much in the last 2 yrs, i can't imagine being without him! He is my other half! Anyways gotta go
Monday, September 15, 2008
Survey thing
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things
about your friends that you might not have known!
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
College Road Trip
4.What is your favorite TV show?
CSI Miami, Cold Case, According to Jim...Lots more
5.What do you usually have for breakfast?
6.What is your middle name?
7.What food do you dislike?
cooked veggies, peppers, squash, don't really like eggs...depends
8.What is your favorite CD at moment?
country mix, all we haveis burnt cd's
9. What kind of car do you drive?
none! but will drive a Mazda Protage 5
10. Favorite sandwich?
Egg salad, BLT...
11.What characteristic do you despise?
Slutty girls looking for attention!
12. Favorite item of clothing?
pj pants, my robe! LOL
13.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
14.Favorite brand of clothing?
Doesnt matter what brand, im not picky
15.Where would you retire to?
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
my 22nd. I had a suprise party, last birthday I was sick
17. Favorite sport to watch?
hmm hockey
18.Farthermost place you are sending this?
Quesnel, Abbotsford
19.Person you expect to send it back first?
no one lol
20.When is your birthday?
July 2nd
21.Are you a morning person or a night person?
22.What is your shoe size?
24.Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
I graduate in 12 days...dont think it's new tho
25.What did you want to be when you were little?
Nurse! Still want to...half way there!
26.How are you today?
Tired, hungry and excited
27. What is your favorite candy?
chocolate bars
28.What is your favorite flower?
29.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
Sept. 27
30.What is your full name?
Sarah Rebeckah Russell
31.What are you listening to right now?
32.What was the last thing you ate?
Fries at the mall
33. Do you wish on stars?
ya with Travis
34. IF you were a crayon, what color would you be?
35. How is the weather right now?
sunny and blue sky
36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today?
my hunny! It's his birthday
37. Favorite soft drink?
38. Favorite restaurant?
East Side Marios
39. Real hair color?
light brown
40.What was your favorite toy as a child?
My dolls...I cant remember
41.Summer or winter?
42. Hugs or kisses?
43. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate if it's food, vanilla if it's scent
44. Coffee or tea?
45. Do you want your friends to email you back?
46. When was the last time you cried?
not long ago...
47. What is under your bed?
nothing, there's no under lol
48. What did you do last night?
sat around bored. Watched TV
49. What are you afraid of ?
Losing Travis
50. Salty or sweet?
depends on my mood, sometimes both together!
51.How many keys on your key ring?
52. How many years at your current job?
right now I don't have a job, havnt since April
53. Favorite day of the week?
54. How many towns have you lived in?
to many to count. Deroche, Quesnel, Airdrie, Kamloops
55. Do you make friends easily?
Not at all
56. How many people will you send this to?
who knows
57.How many will respond?
who knows
about your friends that you might not have known!
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
College Road Trip
4.What is your favorite TV show?
CSI Miami, Cold Case, According to Jim...Lots more
5.What do you usually have for breakfast?
6.What is your middle name?
7.What food do you dislike?
cooked veggies, peppers, squash, don't really like eggs...depends
8.What is your favorite CD at moment?
country mix, all we haveis burnt cd's
9. What kind of car do you drive?
none! but will drive a Mazda Protage 5
10. Favorite sandwich?
Egg salad, BLT...
11.What characteristic do you despise?
Slutty girls looking for attention!
12. Favorite item of clothing?
pj pants, my robe! LOL
13.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
14.Favorite brand of clothing?
Doesnt matter what brand, im not picky
15.Where would you retire to?
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
my 22nd. I had a suprise party, last birthday I was sick
17. Favorite sport to watch?
hmm hockey
18.Farthermost place you are sending this?
Quesnel, Abbotsford
19.Person you expect to send it back first?
no one lol
20.When is your birthday?
July 2nd
21.Are you a morning person or a night person?
22.What is your shoe size?
24.Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
I graduate in 12 days...dont think it's new tho
25.What did you want to be when you were little?
Nurse! Still want to...half way there!
26.How are you today?
Tired, hungry and excited
27. What is your favorite candy?
chocolate bars
28.What is your favorite flower?
29.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
Sept. 27
30.What is your full name?
Sarah Rebeckah Russell
31.What are you listening to right now?
32.What was the last thing you ate?
Fries at the mall
33. Do you wish on stars?
ya with Travis
34. IF you were a crayon, what color would you be?
35. How is the weather right now?
sunny and blue sky
36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today?
my hunny! It's his birthday
37. Favorite soft drink?
38. Favorite restaurant?
East Side Marios
39. Real hair color?
light brown
40.What was your favorite toy as a child?
My dolls...I cant remember
41.Summer or winter?
42. Hugs or kisses?
43. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate if it's food, vanilla if it's scent
44. Coffee or tea?
45. Do you want your friends to email you back?
46. When was the last time you cried?
not long ago...
47. What is under your bed?
nothing, there's no under lol
48. What did you do last night?
sat around bored. Watched TV
49. What are you afraid of ?
Losing Travis
50. Salty or sweet?
depends on my mood, sometimes both together!
51.How many keys on your key ring?
52. How many years at your current job?
right now I don't have a job, havnt since April
53. Favorite day of the week?
54. How many towns have you lived in?
to many to count. Deroche, Quesnel, Airdrie, Kamloops
55. Do you make friends easily?
Not at all
56. How many people will you send this to?
who knows
57.How many will respond?
who knows
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Nothing to exciting ever happening here! Went to the dentist today...TWICE lol once at 10 for a filling, then 3:30 for x-rays and cleaning ((I HATE CLEANINGS)) My dentist is WONDERFUL. We are going to talk about porcelain vinears which will make my front teeth strait!! I know they will be expensive, but well worth it! I will talk to him more about it on the 27th. I have to go back in and get 2 more fillings done. Then hopefully thats it.
Travis is leaving tomorrow for 5 days. He is going to Quesnel! I want to go with him, but I still have school. But his parents are coming down for my graduation, so thats ok! I sure miss them though, I was telling Travis I want to go with him, and wake up to mom's coffee and homeade muffins for breakfast, and late night talks!!! AHHH i miss them! lol
Anyways gonna go have some dinner, we got papa murphy's pizza Garlic Chicken!!! MMMM
Travis is leaving tomorrow for 5 days. He is going to Quesnel! I want to go with him, but I still have school. But his parents are coming down for my graduation, so thats ok! I sure miss them though, I was telling Travis I want to go with him, and wake up to mom's coffee and homeade muffins for breakfast, and late night talks!!! AHHH i miss them! lol
Anyways gonna go have some dinner, we got papa murphy's pizza Garlic Chicken!!! MMMM
Thursday, September 04, 2008
nothing to much happening
Just thought I would post something small! Not much to say here. School is almost done YAY. I bought my dress the other day, it's nice and black, now I need shoes and a shawl to go with it, cause knowing me, i will be cold!! Now I don't have any fashion sense at ALL. So it is a black dress, all black I don't know what kind of shoes to get for it...Should they be white, or black? And what kind of shawl should I get, or a little jacket! Please someone leave me a comment and HELP me! LOL, I guess thats it for now, gonna go eat dinner now. Back to work for 4 days now! TTYL
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Trip...and more
Well I thought I would write about my trip to Fort Nelson! We didn't do very much, but it was a lot of fun. I loved being with Mercede and Braydon! Mercede loved having me there too. I got lots of good pictures as you can see! I had a nice visit with Ashley, and Jason when he was home! She taught me how to cook!! She is an awesome cook, so one day I wrote out a bunch of recipes from her! Now I have to try and make them! I had a hard time leaving. I wish they didnt live so far away. When Jason dropped me off at the airport he stayed for a couple mins. I had to wait about an hr for my flight. He gave me a hug and then left. I had tears in my eyes. So I went and sat down at waited. About 5 mins later Jay walked back in!!! He called his boss, and stayed with me till my flight left! I felt so special! I am glad me and Jason are so close! Its cool talking to someone that knows what I went through as a kid, because he went through it too! I talked to Ashley the other day, she said Mercede still looks for me calling my name! I was going through Mercede With drawls lol. I am getting used to it now! Braydon was pretty cute too, but needed his mom a lot, next time I see him he will be big and different! Hope you all enjoyed the pictures! I love them!!
Well I finally went to the dentist yesterday to get my root canal done. Took 3.5 hrs to do it. My jaw is sore today! But it's worth it. I found a new dentist! He was awesome. And did it in one shot! I am glad my old dentist didn't do it.
Back to work on Monday till the 24th of Sept. Then 2 days in class, then Grad on the 27th! I was checking the Kamloops Obituaries for some reason the other day, and found out that one of my residents passed away 2 days after I left for my 2 week break:( I know that that's why they are in there, but it's still hard to say good bye! When I left he was doing great. Oh well, may he R.I.P
Well thats all for now. I will post again when I feel like it ! lol
Well I finally went to the dentist yesterday to get my root canal done. Took 3.5 hrs to do it. My jaw is sore today! But it's worth it. I found a new dentist! He was awesome. And did it in one shot! I am glad my old dentist didn't do it.
Back to work on Monday till the 24th of Sept. Then 2 days in class, then Grad on the 27th! I was checking the Kamloops Obituaries for some reason the other day, and found out that one of my residents passed away 2 days after I left for my 2 week break:( I know that that's why they are in there, but it's still hard to say good bye! When I left he was doing great. Oh well, may he R.I.P
Well thats all for now. I will post again when I feel like it ! lol
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
UGH to the heat! YAY for the holidays!!
Well it is extremely hot here this week. It's been between 30-36 here. Today was muggy and about 36!! Today is finally the 15th!! That means my 2 weeks break starts today!! We all went out for a drink after work today. I get to go to Jason's in 3 more days! I know for a fact I will get homesick, but it will be fun! And nice to be back, for another week off!! It's nice to wear normal clothes again for once. I got home today and jumped in the shower! Ahh that was nice! Tomorrow I am going to go to chilliwack with a friend to pick up her kids, then coming home and going to dinner at another friends place!! I HAVE FRIENDS!!! HAHAHA I am going to go and relax with Travis now. If I don't post before monday, i will take pics at Jason's and do a big picture post!! YAY
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Happy Birthday my Angel
Today is dad's birthday. Just wanted to say Happy birthday to my daddy. I miss you lots, and can't wait to see you again one day! Next year he will be the big 50!! I love you my angel
Monday, August 11, 2008

YAY so the exam results are back! Our class has the highest passing rate yet!! 10% Above the average through the nation!!!! WOO HOO CLASS the highest mark was 94% the lowest was 71% I passed with 78% on my exam, and 91% in class work!!!! I am so happy. Today we started at a new facility, it looks awesome! Care aides are their for the residents, and have been there for a long time!
One more week then I get to go to Jason's and see my babies!! I will take some pics of the babies!
A friend of mine and I went to the wild life park yesterday, the weather was kind of crappy but it was fun! Here are some pics!
Monday, August 04, 2008
Nice weekend!
We had a good weekend. Travis' dad came up, and Travis Derek Dad n I went out to scotch creek and played mini golf and went to the beach. It was a nice day out, Derek (Trav's Brother) had us over for a yummy bbq. We had BBQ chicken and salad. Then dad came out to Karaoke with us. He enjoyed it...and his scotch!! Then Sunday morning we went out for breakfast and Dad went home:( It was a short visit, but nice. Scotch Creek was awesome. I want to go back, and hopefully camp. I get a 2 week break coming up soon. I am going to Ft. Nelson for a week, then hopefully Travis can take a week off and go camping! Crossing my fingers for scotch creek! Tonight we went over to a friends place, she made us dinner, and we sang karaoke! I actually sang too. It was fun...even though I sucked. Anyways just thought I would post for people that read my blog! Till i decide to post again! TTYAL!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
I guess I should update...
Well I haven't posted in a while. Everything is going good here. School is good. Practicum is getting tiring, I have to get used to being on my feet for 8 hrs a day. I moved to a different ward. They are easier to handle. They are still total care, but can walk. But I miss my old residents. I think I might do my other part of the practicum where I first started. I just have to get used to everything up there, and get more organized.
Travis's dad is up here this weekend. We went for dinner last night, and we might go mini golfing in Scotch Creek if it's nice out.
I'm not sure who all knows, but my dad has joined the military. He left in June:( Now I don't know if I will ever see him again. Oh well. When I do get to see him, i will be happy!! Who knows, I could be married and have a family by then. Life goes on tho I guess.
Well I am going to go make some breakfast. Have a good one! Leave some comments!!
Travis's dad is up here this weekend. We went for dinner last night, and we might go mini golfing in Scotch Creek if it's nice out.
I'm not sure who all knows, but my dad has joined the military. He left in June:( Now I don't know if I will ever see him again. Oh well. When I do get to see him, i will be happy!! Who knows, I could be married and have a family by then. Life goes on tho I guess.
Well I am going to go make some breakfast. Have a good one! Leave some comments!!
Friday, July 25, 2008

Well I started my practicum, and i'm really liking it. I love the ward I am on, and I love my residents. I am on the severe dementia ward. It looks very intimidating at first because the residents can not walk, and most can't talk. It is total care. But to wake them up in the morning, and listen to them talk and see the smiles on their faces, it's worth the hard work and more. Yesterday I took a lady outside and she loved it...Now remember they have severe dementia...She asked for ME this morning!! I have been there for a week now, and I know my residents really well. I can't wait to actually start working full time! We have our final exam on Monday! AHH wish me luck!!
This past weekend, Travis and I went to Quesnel for billy barker days. We got to see a band called Murquery, they sounded just like Queen. They were from Germany! We spent the whole weekend at the rodeo. I will add some pics. It was my first Rodeo, and I loved it!! I got really sun burned though UGH Anyways enough for now!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
hmm I wonder
I have that new tracker on my blog. I noticed that someone looked at my blog from Kelowna. Please if you look at my blog Leave a comment. Not sure if it's you or not dad. But if it is my number is 250-572-1445 I know it's probably bad to leave my number on here, but I need to know if it's him. Thanks
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Finally it's time for practicum. Tomorrow is our last official day in the class! I am so excited. I found out what ward I am working on too. I will be on 3b which is for the non ambulatory Dementia ward. So it will be total care. I was put with a friend of mine, Geneva. We will be good together, we are both quiet and will work good as a team. Tomorrow we are having a big luncheon and the school administer is getting us gifts! I am excited. We are also getting our picture taken for grad. Everything is coming to an end so quick! I am amazed on how fast it went. 7 more weeks till grad! Which means 7 weeks to lose as much weight as I can! I am going to have to get used to getting up early again. Well I better get to bed, morning comes fast! Have a good rest of the week, and weekend everyone!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Almost done!
Well we officially have 3 days of theory then we go into practicum! I can not wait to be hands on and meet my residents! The last 3 days have been kind of hard because we have not had an instructor. She has been very sick with the flu. So we have mostly been studying for our final. Yesterday was like high school drama all over again though. Wasn't very much fun. I can't wait till it's all done though!
I booked my flight to fort Nelson the other day! I am excited about that too. Can't wait to see my family. I am kind of upset with my family...My grandmother called the other day to come see everyone. She also told me to leave Travis outside...So if everyone is wondering why we didnt show up this weekend...ask grandma! Oh well I hope one day we can put everything behind us.
Gotta go for now, dinner is done, have a good weekend everyone!!
I booked my flight to fort Nelson the other day! I am excited about that too. Can't wait to see my family. I am kind of upset with my family...My grandmother called the other day to come see everyone. She also told me to leave Travis outside...So if everyone is wondering why we didnt show up this weekend...ask grandma! Oh well I hope one day we can put everything behind us.
Gotta go for now, dinner is done, have a good weekend everyone!!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Havnt posted in a while
well I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I should. Nothing to exciting happening here.I have one more week of school, and we start our practicum. I am excited. We are all moved into our new place now! It was a VERY very long day and move. Just me and Trav it took us 16 hours! But we are all unpacked and everything now! YAY. The weather has been soo hot. When we moved the humidex was 41 degrees! We nearly died. Thank god in this place it is cooler, so we can't feel the heat as bad. We went to Quesnel last weekend, got to surprise Judy and Reiny!! (Travis' parents) We took them out to dinner for their anniversary. Then we went to Dwayne and Lorraine's Family reunion. The day we left I got food poisoning really bad,I didn't feel good until Wednesday or Thursday. Wednesday was my 24th birthday, I had school, and then Travis and I went to dinner at Chapters View Point. It was beautiful. I am going to post some pics of the view! So for anyone who reads my blog, I know where my dad is now! I am excited just to know he is ok. I am going to try and get enough nerve to ask him to come to my grad! So he can meet Travis' parents. My mom hasnt been doing to good. We need to get her help as soon as we can! Before she gets to far. Well I gotta go for now, I will post some pics from my birthday!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Well I am an aunty times two! I now have one of each! Breydon Luke Tyler was born this morning at 8:16 am! He weighed 8lbs 1oz! Jason called me, and Breydon was crying so loud cause he was hungry, but couldnt eat cause Ashley was getting stitched up! I can't wait to meet my Nephew!!! Congrats Jason, Ashley and Mercede! Welcome baby Breydon!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Nothing to exciting!
So nothing to much new here. School is over in a couple weeks! Well not over over, but we start our practicum on July 16th! It will be nice! Then our final is on July 28th! Haven't really heard anything about dad yet! But we are getting there. The cop that is helping me is great! So 2 more days then I am an aunty again! And 8 days I will be 24! I cant believe I am 24! I remember when I was 3! Funny what you can remember! Anyways gonna go cool down, you can tell its summer now! Hot and muggy! Oh well! Anyways gonna add some pictures! It's neat looking at pictures when you were younger, and now!

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day Dad and Jason!
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