I found this on someone's blog, thought it was neat
1.He's sitting in front of the television,what is on the screen? Home Improvement, CMT Music...Seinfeld
2.You're out to eat what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch...ALWAYS
3.What's one food he doesn't like? Hmm this is a hard one...He's really not picky...At all. Liver I guess
4.You go out to a bar what does he order? Corona of course
5. Where did he go to high school? Quesnel BC
6.What shoe size does he wear? Size 9...He's tiny!
7.If he was to collect anything what would it be? CD's...He has tons, but only listens to a few
8.What is his favourite type of sandwich? Steak and Cheese
9.What would he eat every day if he could? Pasta
10.What is his favourite cereal? Oat crunch?
11.What would he never wear? Sweat Pants...My clothes lol
12.What is his favourite sports team?Vancouver Canucks.
13.Who did he vote for? No one
14.Who is his best friend? Me! and Probably Kyle
15.What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? He never complains to me about anything...But I would say spending money and the housework!
16.How many provinces/states has he lived in? Two
17.What is his heritage? Dutch
18.You bake him a cake for his birthday what would it be? Guinness came his mom makes
19.Did he play sports in high school? Basketball, Volly Ball
20.What could he spend hours doing? Singing
21.What's something cool about him? He has patients for me! I am a messy housekeeper, and he helps me with it. He will do anything for me, and not complain about it. We can laugh till we cry, and tell each other our secrets, Whats not cool about him??
1 comment:
that's really neat that you know so much about Travis. how about doing one like that for you?
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