Monday, December 29, 2008
Lady Dies at care home in Kamloops:(
I Read in the paper, and heard it around work. But didn't really want to believe it. Where I did most of my practicum, a lady escaped the center, went outside and froze to death...Only because the door was not locked. This lady that died was a resident of mine when I was there. It breaks my heart to think that because of one person not locking a door, another innocent person is dead. It really scares me. About how easy it can happen, and how quick some of the old people with dementia really are. My heart goes out to the family.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The weather is still freezing, I am getting sick of the cold...Last night our furnace died. It was soo cold in here. So we finally called the landlord, he brought over a portable heater, and we have the oven on. But it is still cold. The furnace guys should be here soon to fix it! I can't wait cause im freezing!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
3 days off!
Today was my first of 3 days off. We had a great day. Travis goes back to work tomorrow, after having 9 days off. So today we went to Lordco (BLAH MAN'S STORE LOL) Then we went to the dollar store, and bought some stocking stuffers and chocolate covered cherries...We die for those. Then we went to Starbucks for a coffee and a snack. I had an eggnog latte, and Travis had a caramel Apple Cider, which tasted like Apple Pie! SO good. We went to Marks Work World, and Travis bought me a dickies Jacket! It's so nice. Not that warm...But I love it! I love spending a couple days a week together, with no work or anything. So now we are home and going to clean the house, and put up the tree! Finally, Hopefully it will feel more like Christmas around here!
Friday, December 12, 2008
All about Travis!

I found this on someone's blog, thought it was neat
1.He's sitting in front of the television,what is on the screen? Home Improvement, CMT Music...Seinfeld
2.You're out to eat what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch...ALWAYS
3.What's one food he doesn't like? Hmm this is a hard one...He's really not picky...At all. Liver I guess
4.You go out to a bar what does he order? Corona of course
5. Where did he go to high school? Quesnel BC
6.What shoe size does he wear? Size 9...He's tiny!
7.If he was to collect anything what would it be? CD's...He has tons, but only listens to a few
8.What is his favourite type of sandwich? Steak and Cheese
9.What would he eat every day if he could? Pasta
10.What is his favourite cereal? Oat crunch?
11.What would he never wear? Sweat Pants...My clothes lol
12.What is his favourite sports team?Vancouver Canucks.
13.Who did he vote for? No one
14.Who is his best friend? Me! and Probably Kyle
15.What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? He never complains to me about anything...But I would say spending money and the housework!
16.How many provinces/states has he lived in? Two
17.What is his heritage? Dutch
18.You bake him a cake for his birthday what would it be? Guinness came his mom makes
19.Did he play sports in high school? Basketball, Volly Ball
20.What could he spend hours doing? Singing
21.What's something cool about him? He has patients for me! I am a messy housekeeper, and he helps me with it. He will do anything for me, and not complain about it. We can laugh till we cry, and tell each other our secrets, Whats not cool about him??
Monday, December 08, 2008
had a fun day!
Today we were supposed to go to Quesnel for a couple days, but the roads were really bad, and we didn't want to risk driving, and the other peoples driving. So Trav and I spent the day window shopping at costco, and tried all the taste tests. I think we were in there for about 2 hrs just looking around. We left with 4 jugs of orange juice lol. We were looking at rings...JUST LOOKING! LOL and I seen one that was 17000.00 I was amazed! That's more then our car! I couldn't believe it. Then we went grocery shopping! That took a long time, we are both tired now lol. Travis fell asleep on the couch and I am watching TV. I bought tickets for the Corb Lund band!!! and I got floor seats! If you don't know who Corb Lund is, he sings Truck got Stuck, Hurten Albertan...Calverey. He has a different kind of music! I can't wait though. Then I go back to work on wednesday.
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