Friday, September 01, 2006


Well I guess my mom made some phone calls, and was looking for my dad. He hasnt been seen or heard from in months. I am so scared for him right now. He is going to have a grandaughter, and probably doesnt even know it. It makes me sick thinking about it. I just want him to move here, and live with us. So i know he will be ok. We can put him in rehab, and everything else he needs to get better. I want my OLD dad back. Who would always be there when i needed him. I could just call him when i had a problem, and he would listen. But now I cant even call him. I dont know where he is. I just hope he is doing ok, and I hope he realizes how much I really do love him. I havent heard his voice in over 6 months. Nothing. Not a word from him. Please keep my dad in your prayers, and hope he's ok. Thanks :)


Linda said...

Hi Sarah! Just thinking about you! I want you to know I am praying for your dad!! wuv uuuuuuu

Anonymous said...

hey buddy! Even though your dad has made some bad decisions I hope you always remember he loves you! He will come back when he is ready, he is not doing this intentionally to hurt you. He loves you and so do I! Remember new years when me and dad fell off a chair at the same time, and I cut off all my hair? That was so much fun! I cant wait to see you again! Love ya babe!