Thursday, September 07, 2006


Well we went out for dinner tonite. With Dad and Vi. And we started talking about weddings. And Jer and I getting married. We want to get married really bad, and start a family. So we were thinking of having a VERY small wedding. With Immidiate family, and close friends. But we dont know how its going to work out. But I was thinking of having the ceremony, and then when we can afford it, and have more people come up, we can have the reception. I really hope it works out. I want to get married and have kids so bad, and so does Jeremy. Let me know what you think...


Anonymous said...

I think if you are going to do it, do it right! I know it sucks to wait, but save up the money first so you can have the wedding you want rather than splitting it up! It will be worth it, you will be so much happier with everyone you want there with you to celebrate!!!

starla said...

hmmm, tough one. Would you feel dissapointed if you didn't do the reception right away? If you don't think you would then i would say go for it! If you guys are ready to go to the next step (husband wife, babies) then go for it! You guys know how excited I am about your upcoming marriage and you know i'll do anything to help you out! I will remind you that i still love the idea of having a potluck BBQ for your reception...If your having family and close friends mostly then no one will mind brining a dish of some kind and hanging out! Love you guys!

starla said...

Jasmine is right that children do change things. Your relationship with your husband does change and yes in many ways its harder. But oh so much more amazing! You get to see a whole new side of your husband that you can't bring out on your own....only your children can! I know your not sure of all this stuff but I know that the Lord has strengthened my marriage in tough times and He will continue to do so as long as we rely on Him! The whole history behind the wedding ring is a three cord strand...You, your husband and Jesus! A two cord strand can be easily broken but a three cord strand, wound together is so strong! Let Him be the base of your marriage and nothing can sway you two! One little tidbit that someone once said to me "if you wait until you have money to get'll never get married." that doesn't mean to throw all caution to the wind....but well you know what i mean. Okay this is the worlds longest comment!!! sorry!! LOL! love you tons!!!

Linda said...

I am so glad I went to read your blog and saw this post cuz I really want you to know I consider you my daughter and any way or any time you and Jeremy get married I will be there with bells on ( well not actual bells on, I think that would embarass you guys..) You are a wonderful couple and will make wonderful parents and remember to keep God in your life and that will count the most!!

Jen said...

Keith and I got married with 30 guests, less than $5000, and not in our "home" town. We had decided that purchasing a house was more important that having a big wedding and a honeymoon. We have the rest of our lives to have a honeymoon, and a 2nd honeymoon, and a 3rd honeymoon!!! It is a good thing we did things the way we did too. I got pregnant only 7 months after getting married. If we hadn't been in a situation where we owned our house, and I was working full time, I am not sure how things would have worked out once I went onto maternity leave! People say that you only have one wedding, and you want it to be the most memorable biggest event of your life, for some that is true. For me and Keith it was more about "OUR" future, than for that "ONE" day. Essentially, you must do what is right for you, and I'm sure you will. Your family loves you, and only wants the best for you. That includes a life that isn't riddled with financial problems, or regrets!

I am truly happy that you are happy!
Good luck with everything.