Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Well I dont have to work till 4:00 pm today, so i decided to pack...Man I hate packing. Some people just go crazy and do an awesome job packing, the the right things in the right boxes. But not me. I made a huge mess of the house. It frustrates me. I can't wait till we are all moved, and no more packing. Jake and Milo, our cats, are worse then kids. They have to get into every single box i make and play in them. I stuck a big piece of tape on Jake, that kept him busy for a while. But not for long. Someone came and looked at the place yesterday and Jeremy cleaned the appt spotless. I wish i could do that. Oh well. Now i have to work on the kitchen. I cant wait to throw all my pots and pans out and get a new set. I have one pan that I am going to keep, and get rid of the rest. Im going to buy a new set at walmart next week. I cant wait. Well I better get packing more. I work in a cupple hours so I want to get a lot done before i go to work. Hope everyone is well. I will post more later

1 comment:

starla said...

the joys of packing! Every try tying a string on your cats tails? that freaks them out and keeps them busy for hours!