Friday, March 16, 2007


I woke up this morning, and looked out the window, expecting it to be all sunny and worm. Well instead there was snow! So much f it too, looks like about a foot. I am so sick of the snow. I want it to be spring! I cant wait till spring.

*update on Travis*

Well I said in my other blog Travis had an eye infection. Well his contacts driedup and shrunk, so when he took them out, they tore both of his corenia's. He has been in a lot of pain, but is slowly getting better. But I am going crazy, I havnt seen him since monday, and today is friday. I probably wont see him till next week sometime, till he is able to drive again. So he is there, and I am here. I got that stupid cold that is going around, there are about 4 people from work that have it too.

I am finally getting more hours at work now too, which is nice, it gives me something to do, and some money too. Well I am going to go watch a movie before i kill this stupid computer. Hope everyone is well. TTYL

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I feel so helpless

I feel so helpless right now. Travis is at home, with a survere eye infection. It is very contageous. They are not sure what it is from. His mom had to take him into the hospital tonight. It could be from his contacts, because yesterday he went to put them in, and his eye started huting really bad, and it hurt him all day. I am just being an over reacting worried girlfriend I guess. I just wish I could be there with him, and make him feel better. Please keep Travis in your thoughts!! Thanks!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Nice couple of day!!

It has been so nice around here. Nice weather!! Yesterday was 11 degrees. The snow is almost gone! I love the snow, but I cant wait till spring and summer, and no more snow. Travis' parents own a farm on the black water road. It's so nice, they have 3 horses. I am usually scared of horses, but not thses ones. As soon as all the snow is gone, and it gets nicer out, he's gonna take me horse back riding! I cant wait. His farm is so beautiful and peaceful. They have 160 acres of land, and about 160 cows!! Their so neat. It kind of remindes me of back home, with the smell of cow manure!

Anyways hope everyone is well. Leave comments, i'm not even sure who reads my blogs anymore because i never get comments :(

Thursday, March 01, 2007


The pics below are of me and Travis the other night at a friends birthday party! Finally you can see the Travis I always talk about!!

yay pictures!!