Thursday, July 26, 2007

work, heat and babies!!

Well work is going good, getting busy and kind of boring. Talking to grumpy Americans can be kind of stressful but funny at the same time. Some of them come up with the funniest ideas. Today I had one guy call in and ask for his membership fee waved, and if i couldnt wave it he was going to cancel his card...LOL anyways enough obout that.

It has been pretty cool here, the weather hasnt been to bad, except today, it was 36. Way to hot for me. There is a forest fire up on the hill, i was watching all the bomber planes and hellicopters trying to put it out. Hopefully they got it a ll out. This weekend is supposed to get really hot too. But we are heading to Quesnel for the weekend, to visit family and some friends, and hopefully it will be cooler there then it is here, we are leaving tomorrow (friday) and coming back sunday!

I talked to my mom tonight, she said Mercede is Crawling and getting into things. I guess the other day she climbed out of her crib and went into the kitchen and got into the cat food!! Kids are so funny. Its amazing how fast they grow. Jason Ashley and Mercede are moving to Ft. Nelson soon:( Whiche is 16 hrs away from Aunty. It sucks, but I'll have to make some special trips to go spoil my neice a couple times a year. They are coming to Kamloops hopefully the 3rd of aug, then i can see them!!

Anyways enough for now. Hope everyone is well, have a great weekend! Leave some comments, its always neat to see who reads my blogs!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Havn't blogged in a while

well things are going pretty good here in kamloops, except the heat, not used to that. Not sure if I will. The other day it was about 40 degrees. Work is going good. Finallu used to getting up at 4:30, I took 2 hrs of calls today, and probably like 2 more hours tomorrow, and hopefully the rest of the week. Its pretty neat. My birthday weekend was awesome, went to the family reunion and got to see so many people I havn't seen in a long time. I got some nice pictures of me and my dad, and travis and my dad. It was so nice seeing him again, he looks really good. I will post pictures when I can!! Well I should go, we are at the library and running out of time. We are supposed to get the internet hooked up on saturday, then I can post more!! Take care and talk soon!!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Birthday Wish!

Well we arrived in New west today, Staying at Jason and Ashleys for the night. Then tomorrow we are heading off to the reunion, I am very excited to see everyone!! I cant wait. My birthday is on monday, July 2nd. I told Travis I wanted one thing for my birthday, and that was to see my dad. And I got to see him!! It was so awesome. I was shaking and almost crying before we even found him. I walked in and seen him sitting at a table, and he seen me I could see the instant tears in his eyes. My birthday wish came true. So we had lunch with him, and sat outside for about 2 hrs just talking. I got pictures and stuff that I will add when I get my computer up and running!! I get to spend the weekend with Jason and Ashley and my beautiful neice mercede. I have pics of her too that I will add. I am going to go though, I am getting tired. Hope everyone is well, talk soon!!!